VDA Group is a leading international company specializing in the development and realisationof advanced solutions for integrated Room Management in the main for the international hospitality industry.
With more than 250,000 rooms active in some of the world’s most prestigious hotels, for more than 40 years we have been working with leading international hotel brands, confirming our position as a technical partner for tailor-made solutions created to improve the guest experience.
GRMS system provides numerous integration possibilities and is fully compatible with other Metronik solutions for BMS.


Glass, essential lines, luminosity and harmony, transform simple switches into items of design with an absolutely unique aesthetic and functional identity. The design is exceptionally versatile and may be personalised through different colours, icons and screen prints.
Aesthetically designed VDA Vitrum glass wall panel for easy management of hotel rooms


With its elegant finishes and the wide choice of solutions, Axia offers the luxury sector a refined product that combines Italian technology, style and know-how in a single device.

The manual manufacturing process makes each device absolutely unique, and the slight perceptible differences are a guarantee of the craftsmanship of the product.
Aesthetically designed VDA Axia metal wall panel for easy management of hotel rooms


Its independency from the need for wall back boxes, and its multiple functionality available in two simple devices, make it a unique easy to-install solution, where cabling costs and building works are drastically reduced. Thanks to the high level of customization inherited from the Vitrum collection, it is possible to choose just one of the two elements and combine it with any device from the VDA catalogue, achieving a perfect aesthetic combination.

It is also the perfect solution for renovations, integrations, and special projects such as Camping and Mobile-Homes. In its IP54 version, Duetto Outdoor becomes the solution for Outdoor Gates or in areas with a high level of humidity. Within the package there is a frame whose holes allow the anchoring and hiding of Italian, English and German junction boxes.
VDA Duetto surface-mounted panels for easy installation waterproof IP54 for easy operation of hotel rooms and mobile or glamping houses


Traditional Classic collection that fits into most of the 3 Module Italian Manufacturers modular range (BTicino, Vimar, Gewiss, Ave, etc ).
VDA Classic panels for basic automation in hotel rooms

VDA system functionalities:

Room automation:

Our system can be expanded and integrated with a wide catalogue of expansions and gateways to achieve any kind of integration with HVAC manufacturer, Lighting protocol or door lock systems.

VDA can manage any kind of air conditioning system. The client can be completely free to change the temperature settings, but we can also set the system to work within precise temperature settings. The eco mode pre-set by VDA Group is not only a comfortable setting for the hotel guest, but also a green setting that saves energy.

VDA controls any kind of light, from a simple on/off button , to a dimmer or RGB mood control.
High performance VDA room controllers for easy use
Access control:

VDA Group ‘s Access Control system is based on the RFID technology, also known as transponder reader: when the guest swipes the key-card, the reader recognises the code and, if it matches with the ones stored in the room’s database, the door strike is released and the door can be opened. The same solution can be applied to control Front and Back of House doors. For sliding doors, garage bars and others, the unit can provide a voltage free contact to activate the gate mechanism.

The latest technology for the access control is the substitution of the key-card with the guest’s Smartphone, using BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) technology.
VDA access control for monitoring and security of entries into hotel rooms
Integrations with 3rd party systems:

VDA Group has developed a wide range of integrations, with a very long list of third party systems, in order to synchronize the exchange of information obtained from varying sources, avoiding redundant sensors, and allowing a workflow based on the saving of energy and resources of the structure.
Integration of VDA systems with other systems in hotels
 VDA Group //Luka Lorbek, PhD// // +3861/514-08-36