Reduce energy

Car manufacturer in
Central Europe

  • Company

    Car manufacturer in Central Europe

  • Industry

    Other industries

  • Solution

    Energy management


Since the automotive industry is very energy intensive (energy represents 10 - 15 % of the production costs), each optimization brings considerable savings, enhanced competitiveness and less environmental impact. Therefore, the management of the car manufacturer in Central Europe wanted to set up an effective system for the control over energy consumption which would offer the complete information about how, where and when energy is used and enable the improvement of energy efficiency of the manufacturing process.


For this purpose, the car manufacturer selected the MePIS Energy as their energy management system, which has been customized by Metronik to meet the specific requirements of the automotive industry. At shop floor, the system provides users with all relevant information regarding energy consumption and helps them in managing energy systems as well as controlling energy consumption. Waste data is also integrated into MePIS Energy, resulting in comprehensive portal for energy and waste management which can display consumed energy and generated waste individually for each car.

The MePIS Energy information system in numbers:
  • More than 800 measurements for monitoring the consumption of energy and water,
  • the system monitors 9 different energy media, and uses more than 50 different parameters as well as 2000 calculations,
  • reports are configured as required by the user,
  • 2 multi-dimensional OLAP data systems for preforming analyses according to the data mining principle,
  • Energy Report for each manufactured vehicle.
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Učinkovit energetski informacijski sistem MePIS Energy uporabniku zagotavlja večjo transparentnost dogajanja v proizvodnji, saj omogoča pregled nad ključnimi kazalniki energetske učinkovitosti proizvodnje. Sistem uporabniku tudi omogoča avtomatično izdelavo energetskih poročil, pri katerih se upoštevajo specifični izračuni porabe energije glede na vsako izdelano vozilo. Vse to odločevalcem pomaga pri sprejemanju ključnih poslovnih odločitev. S pomočjo Metronikovega sistema si je proizvajalec tudi pridobil mednarodni certifikat Green Factory.

The MePIS Energy system provides a higher level of transparency at the shop floor. It provides an overview of the key performance indicators regarding energy efficiency. The system also enables an automatic generation of energy reports, which take into account specific calculations of energy consumptions regarding each produced car. This allows the decision makers to adopt key business decisions. With the help of the MePIS Energy system the manufacturer also acquired the Green Factory international certificate.