How to achieve rock-solid GMP compliance and boost process efficiency at the same time?

The case for comprehensive reporting and process data analytics software 

Proper management of process reports is crucial for GMP compliance. That is why there is no margin of error, when reports are being prepared and handled. Without central software which is integrated with production machines, report preparation can become unnecessary lengthy and complex.

Extraction of PDF reports from each machine can take a lot of time, and even when you get them, due to different formats, it is not easy to combine them into one understandable report, let alone make any other kind of use for the data – PDF is not really a digital format.


In advanced productions, the aim is to connect both – process reporting and data analytics – with structured data extraction from production machines through one central software solution. This way, they obtain raw and report machine data in useful digital format, which can be used for both purposes – preparation of full production reports and execution of analyses.

All this can be achieved through MePIS PDM, an advanced process data management platform that enables you to gather, organize and manage production data as well as generate comprehensive reports. Furthermore, with it, you can export the acquired process data into 3rd party systems – be it a BI tool, MES, or others; it can even notify external systems in case of inappropriate process data.

With MePIS PDM, you can achieve full process visibility, eliminate inefficiencies, prepare reports efficiently and not worry about audits.

Find out more about MePIS PDM and what it can do for you: