Access to Production Data for Unrestricted Use of Applications Beyond the Gateway

MePIS UDG – Unified Data Gateway is an advanced infrastructure element that acts as the essential provider of contextualised production data to applications beyond it. The solution brings an entirely different approach to data acquisition and manipulation by opening up production data sources for any app above it, enabling you to design a custom app portfolio modularly.

The gateway allows users to create a logical model of their production environment based on the ISA95 standard, which is connected to various data source providers. It also follows the core digitalisation principle: connect once – use multiple times.

The extended version MePIS UDG-S (with storage) makes it possible to collect and store production data in one central repository (e.g. for machines incapable of local storage).

Main MePIS UDG features are:

  • Pure gateway that unlocks access to production data for any application above it
  • Compatible with your existing IT infrastructure – acts as middleware
  • Integration support module for faster and easier integration of new apps and other components
  • Easy to set strict security (CFR) – central rights and user management
  • Based on most contemporary technologies (e.g. gRPC protocol)
  • Supported contextualisation standard (ISA)
  • Enables storage of (selected) production data

MePIS UDG offers you numerous benefits:

  • Full flexibility of application and storage layers
  • 3-4x faster and cheaper integration of new applications
  • 25x faster data queries than with old technologies (e.g. XML)
  • No hidden costs or side investments required (full compatibility with existing IT
  • infrastructure)
  • Unlimited usage of contextualised production data for (more complex) analyses and
  • regulatory requests
  • Improved data integrity due to contextualisation of all relevant production data
  • Increased data integrity due to the ability to have one central storage for production data
  • Higher data security due to embedded central security in gateway

For more information about MePIS UDG – our advanced solution for access to production data in the life science industry, please contact